

woman smiling

  1. What are the operating hours?
  2. Where are you located?
  3. How do I submit a script for consideration?
  4. How long will it be before I hear about my submission?
  5. What kind of material is appropriate? ​
  6. Are actors, designers, production staff and writers paid?
  7. How do I audition or apply for design position or a crew position on shows?

1. What are the operating hours?

Theatre 33 does not have a brick-and-mortar office. Our email address and information on reserving seats for the summer or buying tickets for the holiday show are on the website. The New Play Summer Festival is free, with a $15.00 suggested donation. You can reserve festival seats by clicking SUMMER 2023 SEASON from the THEATRE 33 MENU dropdown.


2. Where are you located?

We work and perform at ÐÓÊ®°Ëвè·ÖÏí in the Pelton Playhouse. For directions, click on the VISIT tab under the main THEATRE 33 MENU.

3. How do I submit a script for consideration?

Our festival submissions open each year in July and close in October. You will see a submissions tab on Theatre 33 menu when we are actively accepting scripts. 

Our script requirements are: 

  • The playwright must be from or live in the Pacific Northwest.
  • The play must be a new play with no previous performances.* 
  • The playwright is willing to be in residence for performances. 
  • The play must have no more than six (6) actors and a doubling list if there are more than six characters. 
*Previous public readings of the play are accepted.

4. How long will it be before I hear about my submission?

Because we read all material, it generally requires 2-5 months of response time. If your play is chosen, we will accommodate your schedule to ensure you can be in residence as much as possible throughout the workshop process. We will announce our summer season no later than February.

5. What kind of material is appropriate? ​

We produce a variety of styles, drama, comedies, farce, and political. A note about musicals, keep in mind our production restrictions: our playing area is 16' x 12'; no wing or fly space; cast size should not exceed 6 (without doubling).

6. Are actors, designers, production staff and writers paid?

Yes. All artists are compensated, and writers are paid a royalty fee per performance. Each season we increase stipends and royalties to reach industry standards.      

7. How do I audition or apply for design position or a crew position on shows?

Auditions are held in spring. We announce our auditions on our website, in local newspapers, and on social media. Actors, Designers, and Crew people can send their resumes to theatre-33@willamette.edu. We are currently accepting applications for all positions for the 2023 summer season. 


Theatre 33

Salem Campus

M. Lee Pelton Theatre
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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