


 "Walker after Judith Scott," 2023, Mixed media, Courtesy of Living Studios (Cornerstone Associates, Inc), Corvallis, Oregon

Walker after Judith Scott, 2023, mixed media, courtesy of Living Studios (Cornerstone Associates, Inc), Corvallis, Oregon.

The following artists collaborated on or contributed to this artwork (on display in the Maribeth Collins Lobby).

Linda Bach, Dennis Baisinger, Matt Brewster, Laura Bruyere, Matt Conklin, Sherri Corrick, Shawna Geer, Michelle Gerlach, Patrick Hackleman, Rodger Hancock, Sarah Hands, Ben Kelley, Katherine Mayne, Danile McKay, Lin Musick, Nikos Pappalardo, Greg Persons, Beverly Powell, Pierre Pyke, Alex Russnogle, Ryan Tevlan, Anna Trammell, Barbara Vernon, Bonnie Wald, Sally Winkler, Conall McCleod

Singular Visions: Self-Taught Artists from the Permanent Collection highlights recent museum acquisitions by contemporary artists working with Living Studios, a studio program for neurodivergent artists, with a studio located in Corvallis and a new location in Salem.

Living Studios artists Kris Askew, Laura Bruyere, Matt Conklin, Patrick Hackleman, Ben Kelly,
Greg Persons, Amy Turner, and Bonnie Wald, Linda Bach and Ruth Van Order are included in
“Singular Visions.” In addition, the collaborative artwork featured above was created by Living Studio artists titled Walker after Judith Scott and is on view in the museum lobby. This work was created as part of an exhibition titled Voices from Home presented at the Corvallis Art Center in the fall of 2023, Walker after Judith Scott is an homage to the late California artist Judith Scott whose wrapped and bound sculptures earned her national recognition.

The exhibition Voices from Home was a performative installation project examining the dynamics in residential community housing. It aimed to highlight and provide a platform for artists to reflect on their own home. During the length of that exhibition, the artists created, performed and exhibited works which explore the dreams, tensions, and possibilities of residential or group home life. Many elements were fabricated to include in Voices from Home.

Artists at Living Studios in Corvallis, OR

More about Walker after Judith Scott  

As populations age, a walker, like the one encased beneath the yarn, twine, fabric, and other material here, is not an unusual device to find moored in various areas or common rooms. In fact, it is ordinary enough to be rather invisible. An aspect of Living Studios programming is education and in the case of the walker we have chosen to embellish it with textile and found objects very much in line with the methods and choices of materials employed by the well-known artist, Judith Scott a self-taught artist whose creative interests were supported by a program somewhat similar to Living Studios. Creating this work for our exhibition encouraged us to study and learn of her work and these processes are reflected in the completed piece.

Bruce Burris
Director of Living Studios  

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