


About the Hallie Ford Visual Arts Program

Hallie E. Ford, 1905-2007

launched its in 2010 to honor the lifelong interest in and support of the visual arts in Oregon by the late Mrs. Hallie Ford, a co-founder of the Foundation.

The goal of the program is to inspire deeper artistic expression, elevate creativity and excellence in the field, and strengthen the vibrancy of Oregon’s visual arts ecology. The Foundation dedicates resources to increase creative work time and opportunities for individual artists, and to support visual arts institutions whose primary purpose is to exhibit and preserve the results of artistic pursuits.

A core component of the Foundation’s program is the Hallie Ford Fellowship in the Visual Arts, awarded annually to established Oregon artists who are actively producing new work in the fields of contemporary visual art and craft. An independent jury of regional and national arts professionals conducts a rigorous review and recommends artists who are exceptional among their peers.

- Anne C. Kubisch
The Ford Family Foundation 

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