

Student Affairs

The Division of Student Affairs provides a broad range of student services and substantive programming designed to enhance the learning experience of Willamette students. Learning is not only the province of the classroom, the lab and the library, but is also achieved in the volunteer or political project, the athletic field or court, in conversations at the Bistro, in residence halls and in numerous other places. Student Affairs aims to enhance and extend students' total learning experience, working closely with students, faculty and other administrators to achieve these goals.

The athletic program at Willamette University has been an important part of the life of the institution for more than 100 years. As a member of the NCAA Division III, Willamette offers a broad range of competitive opportunities. The overall balance of the athletics program (10 sports for women; 10 sports for men) continues to be a defining strength of the University. Willamette offers opportunities for intercollegiate competition in the following sports: baseball, basketball, crew, cross country, football, golf, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track, and volleyball.

杏十八新茶分享 Athletic Philosophy and Objectives

The 杏十八新茶分享 Department of Athletics seeks first to support the academic mission of the University, which emphasizes mutual respect for all persons, cognitive development, acceptance and celebration of diversity, active participation in learning, a commitment to service and community, and an acknowledgment of the ethical and spiritual dimensions of education. Willamette's athletic emphasis is based on the value of participation for student athletes of both genders. Furthermore, it is the goal of the University that individuals and teams be challenged with the same intensity and purpose they encounter in the classroom, including opportunities for developing leadership, dealing with adversity, working as a team, fulfilling commitments, and acquiring time management skills. Willamette believes strongly in providing each student with quality programs and opportunities for personal growth within the parameters of NCAA, Division III competition.

Bishop Wellness Center

Counseling Services

The Counseling Service offers psychological counseling to assist individual students, couples, and small groups to deal with personal crises, eating disorders, social and academic transitions, family relations, alcohol, and other drug problems. Other issues of concern to the individual such as health issues, time management, stress, and anxiety reduction may also be discussed with the counselors.

If problems are of a long-term nature or require medication, the staff of the Counseling Center will work with the individual to assess his/her needs and, if necessary, refer the student to appropriate resources. All services are confidential.

Health Services

The Student Health Services staff provides health care for Willamette students and health education to the Willamette community.

Services provided include medical care for men's and women's reproductive health, a self-help center with non-prescription medications and information, and assistance with referral to medical specialists in the Salem community. It is helpful for students with special health care needs to contact Health Services early in the semester so that staff can assist in developing a plan of care.

Following requirements of the State of Oregon Health Division, all incoming students must show evidence of two immunizations for measles. The Health History forms available online from the "Enrolled Students" link provide a way to verify compliance. This requirement is for the health and safety of the entire University community.


​杏十八新茶分享 requires that all degree seeking half time or more domestic students and all international students carry medical insurance coverage comparable to that offered through the school's comprehensive Student Health Insurance Plan. Eligible students will be automatically enrolled each academic year. Students with other medical insurance that meets the criteria of comparable coverage may submit a waiver each academic year. View details about student health insurance.

Campus Recreation

Campus Recreation consists of seven programs: Intramurals, Extramurals, Fitness, Special Events, Outdoor Program, The Bike Shop, and Sport Clubs. Intramurals are divided into League Intramurals (weekly scheduled games) and Tournament Intramurals (compete in a one or two day format). Our Extramural Program sends our intramural champions in various sports to compete against other university intramural champions in a state or regional tournament. The Fitness Program (non-credit) offers different classes to meet the needs of the student body. Classes offered include, but are not limited to: Pilates, Martial Arts, Hip-Hop, and Cardio Kick. Special Events include the Opening Days Grass Volleyball Tournament and Dorm Wars -- our end of the year competition in which each residence hall competes against each other in various events to crown a campus champion. The Outdoor Program offers leadership training, trip planning and facilitating, and resources for the entire Pacific Northwest. The Bike Shop allows one to bring in a bike and learn from a technician how to identify/fix or tune up your bike free of charge. The Bike Shop also includes a check out program that enables the Willamette community to check out a bike, helmet, storage packs, lights, etc. The Shop also has an education program and resource center for one to plan a trip safe and effectively. Finally our Sport Club Program enables men and women to participate in regional and intercollegiate activities, organized by students for students, outside the athletic department. Currently, 杏十八新茶分享 officially recognizes the following sport clubs: Men's and Women's Lacrosse, Swing Dance, Ultimate Frisbee, Dance Team, Cheer Squad, Jujitsu, Ski and Snowboard, Bowling, Cycling, Fit Club, Kendo, Outdoor Club, Racquetball, Rugby, Soccer, Rod-N-Reel, and Surfahs.

Campus Safety

The University seeks to provide a safe and secure environment for members of the campus community. To achieve this objective, campus safety officers, residence hall staff, and other administrators are trained and available to assist members of the campus community. Campus Safety officers are on duty 24 hours a day to provide escorts, admission to classrooms and laboratories, and to provide other safety and security services. 杏十八新茶分享 is an open campus, however, and not completely removed from the activity of the medium-sized city in which it is located. Students are urged to be cognizant of their own safety and security while on and off campus. In compliance with the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act of 1990 and The Sexual Assault Victim's Bill of Rights of 1992, an annual Report to the 杏十八新茶分享 Campus is published and distributed campus-wide each year. This report includes both campus crime statistics and campus security policies and is available upon request from the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs. 


Community Service Learning

The Office of Community Service Learning (CSL) at 杏十八新茶分享, which includes the Community Outreach Program (COP) and the Service-Learning Program, has consistently provided more than 65,000 volunteer hours to the community each year, with more than a third of the undergraduate students participating in service activities. The CSL Office seeks to address community-identified needs through service via collaborative partnerships with community organizations. These partnerships enhance the community, deepen learning and scholarship, and foster students' growth and development as active and engaged citizens.

Co-curricular service activities sponsored by the Community Outreach Program operate on the premise that university-community collaboration is mutually beneficial and is consistent with Willamette's motto -- "Not unto ourselves alone are we born." For example, the COP assists student leaders in the organization of one-time volunteer projects and on-going partnership programs. The COP also sponsors campus-wide events to raise awareness of social issues in our local and global community.

Academic service-learning is initiated by faculty who integrate service as a pedagogical tool into course curricula. The collaboration of those involved in service-learning: faculty, students and community partners, creates an effective forum for learning by connecting classroom theory to real life experience.

The overall goal of the Office of Community Service Learning is to encourage a sense of civic responsibility among students, faculty and staff through critical engagement and participation in one's community.

Greek Organizations

杏十八新茶分享's Greek community consists of four fraternities and three sororities which have national/international recognition. Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Theta, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Sigma Chi fraternities and Alpha Chi Omega, Delta Gamma, and Pi Beta Phi sororities have on-campus housing facilities with University staffing.

All fraternities and sororities are represented through the Interfraternity and Panhellenic Councils respectively. Advising and program development for the Greek community is provided by Student Engagement & Leadership.

Intercultural Engagement and Inclusion

The Office of Intercultural Engagement and Inclusion (IEI) promotes multiculturalism throughout the campus community, providing opportunities for education, enrichment and support. The office fosters the academic and personal development of all students by addressing issues of diversity and by supporting the ongoing development of multicultural student organizations and programs. Specific organizations supported by the IEI include: ANGLES, Asian Student Association (ASA), Black Student Union (BSU), Hawaii Club, Native American Enlightenment Association (NAEA), Alianza, and Jewish Student Union (JSU).

IEI and student organizations include MLK Celebration, Social Powwow, Black History Celebration, Hispanic Heritage Month, Cinco de Mayo, Luau, Guess the Straight Person, Genderfunk, Lunar New Year Festival.

Ohana, a pre-orientation program, addresses the needs of first year multicultural students.


The Housing office provides living communities that support students' academic success and co-curricular learning. Willamette offers one residential commons, ten coed residence halls, four national fraternities, three national sororities and two apartment buildings (for juniors, seniors and graduate students). Theme residences are options for students interested in an international focus, maintaining their connection to the outdoors and environment, service learning, sustainability, and Japanese culture. In addition, two halls are substance-free communities. Live-in professional staff members supervise student staff members who focus on community development and programming for the students in their communities.

In order to enrich the on-campus experience, the residential communities are based on a student-centered approach to student governance. Staff members collaborate with students to develop and maintain self-sufficient communities in addition to offering leadership opportunities and events that promote educational, recreational, social, and cultural development. 杏十八新茶分享 is in the process of transitioning from traditional residential facilities to a residential commons system. Our first residential commons, Kaneko Commons, opened in 2006. It is distinguished by graduated housing arrangements for students of all four classes, a substantial faculty presence, and expanded learning opportunities for students outside of the classroom (lectures, film series, service learning opportunities and other activities).

杏十八新茶分享's relationship with Tokyo International University of America offers an exceptional opportunity for students to learn more about Japanese culture. Unique options such as having an international roommate are a distinctive part of Willamette and they foster many lasting global friendships.

杏十八新茶分享 requires that all first and second-year students live on campus unless they are married, over 21, or living with parent(s) within a commutable distance of 25 miles or less.

Student Engagement & Leadership

Student Engagement & Leadership seeks to offer numerous opportunities for co-curricular involvement that supplement classroom learning. The staff is committed to teaching students the value of getting involved outside the classroom, whatever the type or scope of involvement. Through the advisement of student leaders and organizations, programs with an educational, cultural, social, or recreational focus are provided for the campus community. Students are given the opportunity to oversee and implement these programs whenever possible, as the value of student-initiated and run programs cannot be emphasized enough.

The office works in cooperation with students, faculty, and staff on development of the following University programs: Opening Days, Family Weekend, celebrated speakers and performers, Campus Life Honors and Awards Program, Women's Programming, and coffeehouses. Student organization formation, University recognition, and program advising are also coordinated through the office.

The Associated Students of 杏十八新茶分享

All undergraduate students taking more than 1.5 credits automatically hold membership in the ASWU. Committees of student government include the Elections Board and Finance Board. Students in the College of Arts & Sciences are eligible to hold ASWU office if they are in good academic and disciplinary standing and are registered as regular students of the University. Students on academic or disciplinary probation may not hold an office or represent the University in any public manner. The required standard of academic work and conduct must be maintained throughout the tenure of office or participation in a nonacademic program.

Student Organizations

Willamette students have the opportunity to participate in many student organizations, ranging from multicultural groups, student chapters of professional societies, and the Associated Students of 杏十八新茶分享, to religious organizations, academic honoraries, and special interest groups. A complete listing of student organizations is provided annually in the Student Handbook which is distributed to all undergraduates and is available online.

Alumni Association

The 杏十八新茶分享 Alumni Association (WUAA) is the organization comprised of former students from colleges and schools of 杏十八新茶分享. All students who have attended 杏十八新茶分享 two or more semesters are considered members of the Association. Any person who graduates is automatically considered a member of the association.

The existence of the association is a recognition on the part of the University and alumni that (1) interest in education does not end when a student leaves; (2) the campus has played a significant role in the lives of those who have studied and lived here; (3) there are many benefits to alumni who participate in 杏十八新茶分享 Alumni Association programs; and (4) the institution will derive important benefit from the continued interest of its former students.

Alumni throughout the country assist the University in a multitude of ways. Alumni work with the Office of Admissions by serving as liaisons between the University and high school students, counselors, and parents. Additionally, members of the alumni community serve current students and other alumni through an active, online Alumni Career Network with over 3,500 members.

The Association's activities and programs include the following: annual alumni recognition awards, class and special group reunions, establishment of and support for Willamette alumni clubs throughout the United States and in Japan, assistance with providing information for the Willamette Scene and other alumni publications, opportunities for continuing education through study tours, travel and support services for alumni groups such as living organizations and athletic and academic departments, annual campus Reunion Weekend, and raising funds to help meet University annual needs, especially financial aid, as well as supporting capital campaigns and special projects.

All alumni programs are administered through the Office of Alumni and Parent Relations. The management of the Association is vested with a board of directors composed of the officers, 36 directors, two members of the University faculty, and four current students. The president of the 杏十八新茶分享 Alumni Association also serves on the University Board of Trustees as a representative of the Association, and numerous other alumni are members of the Board of Trustees.

Standards of Conduct

To enable 杏十八新茶分享 to fulfill its purpose, it is the common responsibility of all persons associated with the University - students, faculty, administrators, alumni, and trustees - to maintain and to improve a campus climate which generates enthusiasm for learning and respect for human dignity, to represent the University in the broader social community in a manner consistent with the principles and purposes of the University, and to respect University standards in their conduct. Standards of conduct are applicable to all members of the University community, including visitors and guests, and are designed to promote individual and group governance with dignity, decency, and maturity. In particular, such standards are directed toward social and living relationships pertinent to the University as a residential community. It is assumed that each individual recognizes his/her responsibility to the University community and that ultimately he/she can be held accountable by other members of the community for failure to assume those responsibilities.

Standards of Conduct and related rules having application represent the best consensus that has been achieved through the active participation of the various constituent parts of the University community. They are administered by the Dean of Student Affairs and are given authorization with the approval of the President of the University acting on behalf of the Board of Trustees. As such, these are community expectations and neither legal prescriptions nor moral absolutes. Measures taken in regard to those who do not conform to these standards are sanctions for failure to fulfill responsibilities to the community as a whole.

The policies governing student conduct, judicial and appeal procedures, possible penalties for violations of the Standards of Conduct, and grievance procedures are included in the Selected Policies Manual for 杏十八新茶分享. The Selected Policies Manual is distributed to all students at the beginning of each academic year and is updated on the web to provide all members of the campus community with information governing campus conduct and judicial procedures.


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