

Study Abroad

Study Abroad provides an opportunity for students to test the theories and abstractions of the classroom in "real world" settings. The experience of living in and exploring a culture vastly different from one's own allows for fresh perspectives and insights, and contributes to students' self-knowledge and independence. Students from every major are strongly encouraged to consider the exceptional value of off-campus study.

Willamette-Sponsored Programs

Students participating in Willamette programs receive Willamette credits, and grades
appear on the transcript. Students may request that these grades be included in the
cumulative g.p.a. Such requests must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office within 3
months of notification that study abroad grades have been recorded on the Willamette
University transcript. Willamette financial aid may be applied to the cost of any
Willamette program.

Willamette offers a wide variety of programs ranging from exchanges with foreign universities (students enroll directly in foreign university classes) to programs in which WU students study with other American students in courses designed especially for them by foreign faculty members. Housing on Willamette programs include homestays, dormitory accommodations on campus, or apartment style housing either on or off campus. Individual departments determine whether courses taken abroad fulfill a 杏十八新茶分享 major or minor requirement (forms to obtain this approval are available on the OIE website). Programs sometimes include group excursions in the country of study.

Admission to a WU-sponsored foreign study program is competitive. To qualify, a student must meet selection criteria set by the International Education Committee and submit the appropriate application materials along with references and an essay explaining the value of the experience within the student's program of study. The application deadline is during the fall semester of the academic year prior to the desired academic year abroad. For example, students planning to study abroad during their junior year will apply in the fall of their sophomore year. Selection criteria are designed to increase the likelihood of student success while abroad. These criteria include academic achievement, qualities of character and social skills, motivation and curiosity, self-knowledge, and evidence of advance preparation.

The cost of a term or year abroad on a WU program generally equals the cost of a semester or year at WU, since program costs are based upon WU tuition/fees, room and board. Room and board is sometimes paid directly to Willamette and sometimes to the host university. Among the various additional costs are transportation, passport and visa fees, and personal expenses abroad.

Students must participate in the IDS 102X Maximizing the Study Abroad Experience course which involves predeparture orientation sessions, intercultural competency training and assignments and re-entry sessions upon their return to campus. Students are also required to submit a program evaluation upon completion of the program.

Students intending to study abroad should consult their academic advisors and the study abroad advisor at the earliest convenient time in order to prepare adequately for the experience. For further information on foreign study, please visit the Office of International Education in the Global Learning Center.

Currently Willamette programs include the following (most language programs require at least two years of college-level language before participating in a WU program and that students be enrolled in a language course the semester prior to the proposed study-abroad experience):


Study at the University of Western Australia in any field. Because of the location, preference is given to students in natural and environmental sciences, anthropology, history, sociology, politics, and economics. (Spring semester.)


Exchange study at the University of Graz. German language required. Spring semester or academic year.


Study at the Catholic University of Valparaiso in Latin American studies, Spanish, and other fields as language proficiency permits. Study may be from February to July or July to December.


Exchange study at Xiamen University, or East China University of Polities & Law. Chinese language required. Semester or academic year.

Exchange study at Lingnan University in Hong Kong. Chinese not required. Fall or spring semester.

Czech Republic

Study at the Undergraduate Program in Central European Studies (UPCES) at Charles University in Prague. Instruction in English. Fall or spring semester.


Exchange study at Aalborg University in politics, history, economics, anthropology, or history Spring semester includes an internship. Instruction in English. Fall, spring or year.


Study and/or exchange study at the University of San Francisco de Quito in Spanish and/or other fields as language proficiency permits. Fall program includes an excursion to the Galapagos Islands. Spring program is an exchange intended only for very advanced students of Spanish or those approved to remain from the fall semester.


Exchange study at Keele University, University of Leicester, or Roehampton University in any approved field. Fall or spring semester.

Study at the AHA Center in London for the fall or spring semester. Classes typically include courses on British politics, history, art, literature, and theatre. Fall or spring semester.


Study at the Universite Catholique de l'Ouest in Angers, France, French language required. Fall, spring or year.

Study at the Center for University Programs Abroad in Paris, France. French language required. Fall or spring semester.


Exchange study is possible at many universities in Germany, including Freiburg, Heidelberg, and Tuebingen with Oregon Study Center and resident director support. German language required. Most programs are year long. Some have semester options - consult with the OIE.


Study at the College Year in Athens program. Art History, Classical Studies, History, and Politics. Fall or spring semester (no year option).


Study at the National University of Ireland in Galway in any field available at NUI Galway. Spring semester.


Exchange study at any of the more than 140 participating international universities within the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP). Language requirements depending on site. Fall, spring, or the academic year.


Study at the Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies (ICCS) in Rome. Classical Studies majors only. Preference for students with one year of college level Latin or Greek, instruction in English. Fall or spring semester.

Study at John Cabot University in Rome. All subjects offered by JCU. No language requirement. Fall or spring semester.


Study at Tokyo International University in Japanese Studies. At least one semester of Japanese prior to departure. Fall, spring or academic year.


Exchange study at EWHA Womans University in Seoul. Korean language not required. Fall, spring or academic year.


Exchange study at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane. Arabic not required. Fall, spring, or academic year.

New Zealand

Study at either the University of Otago in Dunedine or Canterbury University in Christchurch. Fall or spring semester.


Exchange study at Strathclyde University. English majors only. Fall, spring, or academic year.

South Africa

Exchange study at Rhodes University in Grahamstown. Fall, spring or academic year.


Study at the University of Granada, Centro de Lenguas Modernas. Spanish language required. Fall or spring semester.


Exchange study at Linkoeping University in the sciences, business/economics, psychology, religion and other fields. Fall, spring or academic year.


Exchange study at Koe University in Istanbul. Turkish language not required. Fall, spring or academic year.


Exchange study in Russian language and Russian studies, at Taurida National University in the Crimea. Fall semester or academic year.


Exchange study at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, in English literature or other approved fields. Fall or spring semester.

Domestic Off-Campus Programs

Willamette students may participate in the following two programs, also available through the application process for all Willamette Sponsored Programs:

Washington, D.C.

Study at American University with an internship in an appropriate field. For extra fees paid directly to the American University, students can choose special programs with an international focus that includes international travel. Fall or spring semester.


Study and internship at the Chicago Center for Urban Life and Culture in areas ranging from sociology to politics, economics and art. Fall or spring semesters. Also available as a post-session (includes a short May term and a longer summer program).

Summer Programs

Students may also attend any of the WU programs offered following the conclusion of spring semester. These programs are often referred to as Post-Sessions as they commence at the end of the academic year. These programs vary in length, cost, and curriculum and are typically led by WU faculty. Programs offered in 2018 were in Cambodia, Ecuador, Japan, and Scotland. Grades earned in these programs are included in the cumulative grade point average.

Non-Willamette Programs

Students may also attend other programs they identify as suitable for themselves and request permission to transfer credit to Willamette. Students must submit a Request for Preliminary Approval of Credits to be Earned through Foreign Study form, available through the Registrar's Office. No form of campus, state, or federal aid is available through Willamette for these programs. Students should consult with the Registrar's and Financial Aid offices regarding non-Willamette programs.

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