

Course Listings


POLI 199 Topics in Politics (1-4)

A semester-long study of topics in Politics. Topics and emphases will vary according to the instructor. This course may be repeated for credit with different topics. See the New and Topics Courses page on the Registrar’s webpage for descriptions and applicability to majors/minors in other departments.

  • General Education Requirement Fulfillment: Topic dependent
  • Prerequisite: Topic dependent
  • Offering: Occasionally
  • Instructor: Staff

POLI 480W Senior Thesis (8)

The Senior Thesis is the capstone experience in the Politics major. It involves the writing of a major research paper under the close supervision of a faculty member. The paper is subject to multiple stages of criticism and rewriting. This process is intended to deepen students' insights into different forms of inquiry, methods and literature; hone their skills of critical thinking; sharpen their abilities to analyze theory and test ideas through research; and ensure that their research designs and methodologies are effective and appropriate.

  • General Education Requirement Fulfillment: Writing-centered; Social Sciences
  • Prerequisite: A minimum of seven Politics credits, and three-credits at the 300 level, two of which must be completed in residence at Willamette; POLI 390, POLI 396 and POLI 398 do not count toward the three credit minimum
  • Offering: Every semester; phasing out
  • Instructor: Staff

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