

Course Listings


PHIL 498W Philosophy Capstone (4)

Philosophy Capstone (PHIL 498W) will be offered in conjunction with a 300- or 400-level Philosophy course, which students may either audit or co-enroll in. Students must have declared a philosophy major and have attained consent from the course instructor and their major advisor before enrolling in PHIL 498W. To successfully pass PHIL 498W, students must (i) complete a substantial term-paper on the content of the joint course and (ii) make a presentation to the class on the topic of the term-paper. Ordinarily, PHIL 498W will be taken in the student's senior year and after successful completion of both PHIL 230 and PHIL 231. With departmental approval, students may take PHIL 498W jointly with Independent Study (PHIL 490).

  • General Education Requirement Fulfillment: Writing-centered; Arts & Humanities
  • Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
  • Offering: Spring
  • Instructor: Staff

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