

Course Listings

Public Health

PHEAL 499W Senior Seminar in Public Health (4)

A writing-centered capstone course in which they exercise and demonstrate their abilities to engage independently and collaboratively in public health theory and practice. Students may meet this requirement through one of four structured options: (1) on-site internship, (2) on-site role-shadowing and service, (3) community-based research or service, or (4) independent research paper. Individual option undertaken to be determined in consultation with PHEAL faculty. All options involve appropriate scholarly literature review, written reflections, draft and final report, peer-editing, and formal presentation of results.

  • General Education Requirement Fulfillment: Writing-centered
  • Prerequisite: PHEAL 390, 10 courses completed, and junior or senior standing
  • Offering: Annually
  • Instructor: Basu

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