

Course Listings

Public Health

PHEAL 201 Introduction to Public Health (4)

This course introduces students to the interdisciplinary study of public health. It covers fundamental public health theories, concepts and methods, and emphasizes evidence-based decision-making involving both quantitative data and qualitative narrative. It highlights the social, cultural, economic, political, and environmental conditions and structures that shape the health of populations at local, state, national and global levels. It also explores the myriad career fields and professional roles of public health practitioners. Course balances scholarly readings and current issues with visits from local public health practitioners, advocates, and leaders to discuss their ongoing work. Course required for PHEAL majors but open to all students with interests in health-related studies and work.

  • General Education Requirement Fulfillment: PDE
  • Prerequisite: Closed to seniors
  • Offering: Annually
  • Instructor: Basu, Millen

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