

Course Listings

Interdisciplinary Studies

IDS 107X Willamette Emergency Medical Service (1)

This course provides credit for participation in Willamette Emergency Medical Services and is only open to students licensed as EMRs or EMTs by the Oregon Health Authority. WEMS provides EMS services to the Willamette community. This course offers continuing education through EMS drills, lectures and exercises that cover all aspects of emergency medical care at the EMT-Basic level. Topics that will be covered include, but are not limited to, trauma and medical assessment, blood pressure and pulse monitoring, respiratory management, basic first aid, CPR, and immobilization of bone/joint injuries. Students in the course are required to be active participants in the WEMS program and will complete a minimum of 5 (24 hour) shifts during which they will be available to respond to medical emergencies on campus. This course may be repeated up to four times for a total of 4 semester hours.

  • Prerequisite: Instructor consent
  • Offering: Every semester
  • Instructor: Ettinger

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