

Course Listings

French & Francophone Studies

FREN 439 Advanced Topics in French Literature (4)

An examination of one major topic in French literature, with an emphasis on the significance of the specific topic in French literature in general. Topics may be organized around a major author or comparison of authors, an idea, a genre, a literary movement, or a critical approach, such as comparative approaches to humanism: neo-classicalism; literature and nationalism; colonialism; romanticism; negritude; existentialism; post-colonialism; Francophone literature; and lyric voice. This course is taught in seminar format and designed not to be introductory in nature, but rather to explore a particular topic or theme intensively and creatively. Conducted in French. May be repeated for credit.

  • General Education Requirement Fulfillment: Arts & Humanities
  • Prerequisite: FREN 340 or consent of instructor
  • Offering: Occasionally
  • Instructor: Staff

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