

Course Listings

Art History

ARTH 376W History of Photography (4)

A seminar-style course that investigates significant moments from the invention and development of the medium of photography in Europe and the United States, from its inception in the first half of the nineteenth century to its digital manifestations in the late-twentieth century. Historical debates surrounding photography as both an art and a commercial enterprise ground discussions in issues of popular culture as well as aesthetics. Technical approaches to the medium are analyzed in conjunction with theoretical texts and documents of period reception. Emphasis on writing (including a final research paper) as well as discussion and presentation skills.

  • General Education Requirement Fulfillment: Writing-centered; Arts & Humanities; World Engagement: CV
  • Prerequisite: A 100- or 200-level art history course recommended
  • Offering: Alternate years
  • Instructor: Susik

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