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Ryann Wegrzyn


Senior Associate Director of Transfer Admission

Headshot of Ryann Wegrzyn

Contact Information

Salem Campus

900 State Street
Salem  Oregon  97301
Transfer and International Students, including Americans Abroad


Ryann Wegrzyn serves as the Senior Associate Director of Transfer Admissions for the College of Arts & Sciences. In her role, Ryann manages the undergraduate transfer program and the international student admissions process.

Ryann received Bachelor's degrees in History and Linguistics from the Metropolitan State University of Denver. She is a member of the Pacific Northwest Association for College Admissions Counseling (PNACAC), and is currently serving on the board as Treasurer. 

Why Willamette?

I love working at Willamette because of the inclusive community and collaborative environment. The campus is small enough to feel like you run into friends all over campus, and big enough to have lots of fun events and activities to explore.

Favorite High School or College Class or Subject?

My favorite subjects in college were History and Linguistics. I primarily focused on the history of the Middle East and I studied the Arabic language. I was able to participate in an immersive Arabic and local dialect program in Tunisia through the Critical Language Scholarship.

Something You Learned in College You Still Use?

My focus on a liberal arts education taught me how to think critically from a variety of lenses and perspectives.

Memorable/Favorite High School or College Co- Curricular Activity

I really enjoyed participating in the Figaro club, where students attended monthly opera performances at the Ellie Caulkins Opera House in Denver. I had never been to an opera prior to joining this club, and looked forward to it monthly!

Proudest Accomplishment to Date

This last year I was awarded the Association of Regional Representatives of Oregon and Washington (ARROW) Distinguished Member Award, for my service to counselors in the region.

Favorite Book

The Historian, Elizabeth Kostova

I try to read it once a year.


Office of Admission

Salem Campus

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
1-844-BEARCAT toll free