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Allie Kvidera


Senior Associate Director of Admission

Headshot of Allie Kvidera

Contact Information

Salem Campus

900 State Street
Salem  Oregon  97301
Idaho, Washington (Greater Seattle)


Allie Kvidera serves as the Senior Associate Director of Admission for the College of Arts & Sciences. In her role, Allie leads the recruitment initiatives for undergraduate admission, while supporting her colleagues who recruit future bearcats across the country.

Allie received a Bachelor’s degree from Oregon State University and a Master’s degree from Woodbury University in Burbank, California. She has spent the last 14 years working in the college admission profession and has had the opportunity to work for three colleges during that time. She is a member of the National Association of College Admission Counseling (NACAC), as well as the Pacific Northwest Association for College Admission Counseling (PNACAC), currently serving as the Regional College Fairs Co-Chair for the association. Allie has previously been active in the Western Association for College Admission Counselor (WACAC), as well as the Regional Association of College Admission Counselors (RACC), where she served as the Chair of the organization for three years.

Why Willamette?

We are a place where students can authentically be themselves and feel welcomed and cared for on an individual basis. Whether it’s in the classroom, in their residence hall or on an athletic field, Willamette is a place of comfort and exploration for all.

Favorite High School or College Class or Subject?

I loved all of the Women Studies courses that I have the opportunity to take in college.

Something You Learned in College You Still Use?

I learned the importance of looking at perspectives and situations from multiple angles. Reflecting on how others may perceive something differently than myself broadens my ability to consider others viewpoints.

Memorable/Favorite High School or College Co-Curricular Activity

In college I loved being active within Fraternity and Sorority Life and gained opportunities for mentorship, leadership and service through being a member of a sorority.

Proudest Accomplishment to Date

Being awarded the Juel Lee Mentorship awarded from the Western Association for College Admission Counseling.

Favorite Book

I love a good children's book. Specifically anything by Eric Carle.


Office of Admission

Salem Campus

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
1-844-BEARCAT toll free