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Kaelyn Kappes


Assistant Director of Admission

Headshot of Kaelyn Kappes

Contact Information

Salem Campus

900 State Street
Salem  Oregon  97301
California (Greater Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego and the Imperial Valley)


Kaelyn Kappes serves as an Assistant Director of Admission for the College of Arts & Sciences. In her role, Kaelyn works one-on-one with students from southern California as they learn about their opportunities at Willamette, write their college applications, plan to visit campus, and make their college decisions. In addition, Kaelyn manages Willamette's competitive scholarships, which allow incoming students to get additional financial aid based on their special talents in the arts and sciences.

Kaelyn received a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and Theatre, as well as a minor in French from Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Outside of 杏十八新茶分享, she is also an active member and volunteer for one of Salem's community arts organizations, Pentacle Theatre.

Why Willamette?

After learning about Willamette through my own college search process, I was inspired by the individual care professors had for their students, the ambition of student leaders and researchers, and the tight-knit campus community. Although I ultimately decided to attend college on the East Coast, Willamette never left my mind - I couldn't forget the clear impact this campus had on its students. Today, my favorite things about this place are students' dedication to turning their big dreams into tangible action, their open mindedness, and their devotion to supporting one another.

Favorite High School or College Class or Subject?

One of my favorite classes in college was Psychological Statistics. I was very nervous at the start of the class - math was not my favorite subject - and upperclassmen had warned me that it was the toughest class in the major. Yikes! Luckily, thanks to the close relationship I developed with my professor, I ended up really enjoying the class, and eventually I took on running a review workshop for younger psychology students, too.

Something You Learned in College You Still Use?

French! Growing up in southern California, Spanish often seemed like the more practical choice when choosing a language class, but something about French always spoke to me - the beauty of the pronunciation, the complex influence it's had across the world, the way it has influenced art, and more. Now, I continue my French practice by consuming French theatre and film, participating in Salem's French speaking organization, and communicating with francophone students and families who engage with our office.

Memorable/Favorite High School or College Co- Curricular Activity

In high school, I was the president of my school's Drama Club! I acted in several plays and musicals each year, and it was this involvement that inspired me to continue studying theatre in college. Creative expression is so important to me, and being able to continue performing in college (even though I knew I didn't want to become a professional actor after graduation) allowed me to balance my academic experience with artistic collaboration and fun.

Proudest Accomplishment to Date

In my senior year of college, I had to complete a final project for my Psychology of Human Sexuality class. Instead of writing a paper, I conducted interviews in the community, gathered psychological research, and presented it all as a theatre performance piece. I was extremely proud of this project, because I was able to unite my two biggest passions to communicate important research in a way that was easy for people to understand and emotionally connect with. My professor even asked to use my project as an example for future students!

Favorite Book

The Importance of Being Earnest, by Oscar Wilde.


Office of Admission

Salem Campus

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
1-844-BEARCAT toll free