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Sue Corner ’90


Dean of Admission

Headshot of Sue Corner ’90

Contact Information

Salem Campus

900 State Street
Salem  Oregon  97301


Sue Corner serves as the Dean of Undergraduate Admission for the College of Arts & Sciences. In her role, Sue has the privilege of overseeing the best admission team in the country to recruit and enroll an amazing class of new Bearcats each year. She loves working directly with prospective families and as the parent of two college-age daughters especially relates to parents as partners in the admission process.

Sue received a Bachelor's degree in English from ÐÓÊ®°Ëвè·ÖÏí with minors psychology and religious studies. Her Master's of Education in College Student Services Administration and Human Development is from Oregon State University. Sue has worked in higher education for almost thirty years, with more than twenty years in enrollment at Willamette. She has a passion for reading, time at the Oregon coast, and her family, which includes one husband, three adult children, and two amazing dogs.

Why Willamette?

My time as a student at Willamette inspired me to want to stay on campus forever! I believe in what we do here - the strength of the faculty, the incredible location, and the curiosity of the students make for a transformational college experience.

Favorite High School or College Class or Subject?

I loved my English classes in both high school and college simply because I love to read so much. It's hard to narrow down, but one memorable class at Willamette was a study of the works of C.S. Lewis. James Hand was an amazing professor and C.S. Lewis is a genius.

Something You Learned in College You Still Use?

Willamette taught me to write and communicate effectively with all kinds of people. These skills are central to the work I do every single day.

Memorable/Favorite High School or College Co-Curricular Activity

I was involved in sorority life at Willamette and it was a wonderful source of leadership and service opportunities. It's also where I met the women who have been my closest friends, and I can't imagine navigating life without them.

Proudest Accomplishment to Date

I'm incredibly proud of the relationship I have with my husband, a fellow Bearcat alum, and the family we've raised together. I couldn't do my job without his constant support and I appreciate so much that he has kept me laughing every day for more than 27 years.

Favorite Book

It's really hard for me to narrow down to a single title, but I would say Carlos Ruiz Zafon's The Shadow of the Wind, T.C. Boyle's The Tortilla Curtain, and anything written by David Sedaris.


Office of Admission

Salem Campus

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
1-844-BEARCAT toll free