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Getting Started

student and microscope image
  • The Committee seeks applications from all academic departments and programs. 
  • Presentations may be based on independent research projects, class projects, senior papers, creative projects, and performances.
  • Any CAS student enrolled in the current academic year is eligible to apply.

Student & Faculty-Created Panels

  • Students are encouraged to create their own panels of three to five presenters with a common theme. Students may take a cooperative interdisciplinary approach; they may represent multiple disciplines.
  • The faculty-created panels function the same way as student-created panels. The faculty member can pull together between four or five student presenters with a common theme, and are encouraged to moderate the panel themselves. The application forms must be filled out for each student presenter and MUST include a panel title.

The Abstract

(View sample abstracts) The application form asks that you submit a title and abstract--a concise but informative advertisement for your presentation. Limit your abstract to 100 words maximum. Please consult with your faculty mentor when creating your title and writing your abstract, and give due consideration to the non-specialist audience for whom you are writing.

Presentation Types

Oral Presentations

student presenting image
  • Oral Presentation Panels are typically grouped into panels of between two to five presenters and organized thematically. For example, a panel may focus on Oregon and include students in Biology, History, Environmental & Earth Sciences, and Politics.
  • Each presentation is 20 minutes; this includes setup time, 15 minutes for presenting and 5 minutes for questions and discussion.
  • Oral presentation panels conclude with questions and group discussion involving all panelists.
  • As a professional courtesy, you are expected to remain present during all presentations in your panel.

Creative Presentations

  • Creative presentations--theatre and music performances, film screenings, poetry readings, computer animation projects--vary in length. Please specify the length of your project on the application form after consulting with your faculty sponsor.
  • As a professional courtesy, you are expected to remain present during all presentations in your panel.

Poster Presentations

  • Posters allow a more informal presentation of student scholarship. While posters are most common in the sciences, we welcome submissions in this format in all disciplines. There are two parts that comprise the poster presentations: the open session in which the posters are on display, and the presentation session during which time the students answer questions from attendees about their posters.
  • Students are expected to put up their posters by the start of their scheduled poster session and leave the posters standing for the remainder of the day.
  • Students are also expected to stay with their posters for the presentation session. While there is no formal presentation, students can expect to answer questions from attendees.
  • Mounting boards & pins will be provided.
  • Students should plan to design and create their own posters
    • Please see Print Services for more information about printing posters on campus

What Happens After I Submit my Application?

  • You will be notified of acceptance. After this point, no changes are permitted to the title or abstract of your presentation.
  • The SSRD committee will contact you about the exact time and location of your presentation.
  • A few days before SSRD, the faculty moderator assigned to your panel will confirm with you the exact time and location of your presentation, and may ask for a brief biography so they can introduce you to the audience. You may also contact them with any questions you have.
  • If you create a PowerPoint to accompany your presentation, you should save it to your Netfiles storage space. You should also save your PowerPoint to a flash drive or cd as a backup.

On the Day

  • Professional attire is expected (no shorts, tank tops, hats, gum).
  • Arrive early to familiarize yourself with the setup and equipment. Better yet, have a practice run at least one day in advance.
  • Encourage friends, fellow students, and family members to attend the day's events. They should plan to commit at least 1 hour so they can see multiple presentations and to account for last minute schedule changes.

After SSRD

  • Participation in the Hatfield Library archiving project is strongly encouraged.
  • Students are requested to send their papers to John Repplinger (jrepplin@willamette.edu) so that they may be included in the Willamette Collection.
  • View the past papers of presenters in the ().

Student Scholarship Recognition Day

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.