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SSRD 2024 Schedule: ASP Posters

11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. | American Studies Program Poster Presentations: Alumni Lounge, UC

  • 49 KAKERU FUKAYA | Crossing Cultures: Exploring Religious Values in Japan and the United States | 11:30

    Religion is significant for people who believe in one. As a Japanese citizen, most people who live in Japan don’t know about how religion affects our lives. In fact, people go to celebrate various events in a mixture of shrines, temples, and western churches. So the religion is completely mixed in Japan but people don’t care about it. I didn’t realize that when I was in Japan, but I learned much about this topic in my time at Willamette. In this presentation, I will compare the values of religious differences between the US and Japan, From my experience and people who are related with either religion.

    Faculty Sponsor: Brent Amburgey
    Discipline: ASP

  • 50 SOSHI ONO | Comparing Gender Education in Schools between the U.S. and Japan | 12:15

    Gender education is a huge topic in some parts of the country. In the U.S, society is becoming more accepting of individual choice of gender flexibility. In Japan, we have learned about gender such as LGBTQ. However, most people only know what they learned in class or advertisements but we don’t see the diverse gender expression in daily life. This is why these two countries' cultures differ. I will focus on the gender education in school differences between the U.S and Japan from my experience and research.

    Faculty Sponsor: Brent Amburgey
    Discipline: ASP

  • 51 ASAKA FUKUSHIMA | America and Japan difference of speaking ways | 11:30

    During this ASP program, I feel that American people and Japanese people has different way to have a conversation. For example,American people speak more direct and mostly greeting to everyone even they didn’t know each other. However, Japanese people speak more roughly and hind the real meaning they want to tell. And it is not normal to greet to the people they didn’t know. In this paper I’m going to write about the difference and similar point of the speaking way of American and Japanese.

    Faculty Sponsor: Brent Amburgey
    Discipline: ASP

  • 52 WAKANA SAKANE | Exploring two aspects of culture shocks | 12:15

    In this presentation, I will explore two cultural differences between Japan and the US. These are the cultures of tips and shoes. When I pay for food in a restaurant or cafe, staff always ask customers how much tip they will add in the US. This never happens in Japan. People in the US put shoes on in a house, but that is rude to the Japanese. I researched these two cultural differences by connecting them with Japanese culture to show explicitly what is surprising.

    Faculty Sponsor: Brent Amburgey
    Discipline: ASP

  • 53 YURI GOTO | Gender in Society | 11:30

    Gender is a societal idea and there are still some problems related to this topic. For example, what it mean to be a man and woman, men’s roles and women’s role, and the gender gap. Society need to change that system, so that people can do anything that they want. The current situation does is not accepting enough of diversity. Also, I learned a lot of things through “Sociology of Gender”. Therefore, I can compare the differences between Japan and United States on this topic.

    Faculty Sponsor: Brent Amburgey
    Discipline: ASP

  • 54 HONOMU SANO | The different ideas about gender between Japan and America | 12:15

    Lately, gender issues such as LGBTQ have been accepted around the world. The government has implemented various policies aimed at creating a society with respect for identity and diversity, without being bound by gender. I learned a lot about this topic in my life at Willamette. In this presentation, I will compare ideas about gender between Japan and the United States through my experiences and research in Japan and here.

    Faculty Sponsor: Brent Amburgey
    Discipline: ASP

  • 55 CHIHO ISHIZUKA | Education in the U.S. and Japan | 11:30

    We use what we learn in school for our future and for our lives. Therefore, education is very important for our life. In addition, in Education in America class, I realized education is related to culture and religion. Through this class, I was able to discover the differences between American and Japanese education. In my capstone project, I will research the differences between Japanese and American education, its relationship to culture and religion, and the form of education each country aims to achieve. In addition, I would like to include my experiences in my capstone project.

    Faculty Sponsor: Brent Amburgey
    Discipline: ASP

  • 56 RIO SHIMIZU | Music culture differences between Japan and America | 12:15

    There are lot of differences in music culture between Japan and America. To enjoy playing the instrument and music, method of teaching is important. I experience being a member of music club in Japan from junior high school, and I am now in the University concert band class at Willamette. I will compare those experiences. After coming back to Japan, I will be able to join Japanese music culture with positive points of America culture.

    Faculty Sponsor: Brent Amburgey
    Discipline: ASP

  • 57 YUKI ITO | Study Motivation of each culture between Japan and America | 11:30

    There is a big problem in Japanese education. The problem is most college students do not want to study in their university. Many students have a goal to enter a university, but they just want to have a degree from a university. They do not even care about their own GPA. I will explore the differences in student motivation through research.

    Faculty Sponsor: Brent Amburgey
    Discipline: ASP

  • 58 MASATOSHI SHIONO | The Different Education System in Japan & America | 12:15

    This Capstone Project is going to be about the comparison of education systems in Japan and America. Throughout this study abroad experience, I have noticed differences while I am taking Willamette courses. I’ve noticed that America has different kinds of approaches to teaching compared to Japan. There is mainly a discussion-based. The purpose is to promote participation in students. I want to get an insight deeply into that education system to understand the benefits of the students learning in the way of American style. I will explore the different values in education in each country.

    Faculty Sponsor: Brent Amburgey
    Discipline: ASP

  • 59 MISAKI KASHIWABA | ADA history and how can we use it in the future | 11:30

    Barrier-free or universal design is an emerging topic of the world. As societies become more accepting, individuals have opportunities to equity their disability in more flexible ways. I experienced much about this topic in my time at Willamette. Especially, I saw push buttons everywhere for the wheelchair, elevator, and handrail. In this Presentation, I will compare ideas about design in both American and Japanese society through research on policies and ADA law. I will also focus on the presence found on the 杏十八新茶分享 campus. This capstone research will introduce the history of the ADA and why it came about. In addition, I will write about how much the regulations have changed since then, and how it can be applied in Japan.

    Faculty Sponsor: Brent Amburgey
    Discipline: ASP

  • 60 RYOTARO SUGIYAMA | Cannabis Use in Different Countries 12:15

    I will present research about cannabis. Now, some countries are legalizing cannabis, while on the other hand some countries don’t allow the use of cannabis. My friends at Willamette sometimes use cannabis. When I saw it first time, I was surprised at this scene, because I’m not used to this culture. So, I am interested in why does it vary from country to country. Almost all Japanese also has resistance toward cannabis, because they don’t have culture of cannabis.

    Faculty Sponsor: Brent Amburgey
    Discipline: ASP

  • 61 MIHO KATSUMATA | Wealth and disparity between U.S. and Japan | 11:30

    Wealth and disparity is an emerging topic of importance in the U.S. The American economic gap has been increasing each year since 1980s. As we can see, there are many homeless people on the street, which is one of issues in the U.S. I learned much about this topic spending time in the U.S. In this presentation, I will compare ideas about in both American and Japanese society through research the result of economic gap and societal and government attitude. I will also focus on the inclusive messaging found on the street in the U.S.

    Faculty Sponsor: Brent Amburgey
    Discipline: ASP

  • 62 RYOMA TANAKA | How Pedagogy Approaches Differ Between Japan and the United States | 12:15

    In my research, I will explore the different styles of education in Japan and the U.S. The class styles between Japan and the U.S. are very different, and each has characteristics. To put it simply, Japan has a lecture style, while the U.S. has a participatory style. The reason I researched this topic is because when I took Willamette's class last semester, the style of each class was completely different compared to Japan. Moreover, these differences in educational style affect each student, especially their assertiveness.

    Faculty Sponsor: Brent Amburgey
    Discipline: ASP

  • 63 SHINKAI TSUGE | Measures the U.S. Government Should Take Regarding Homelessness: An Estimate and Comparison of the Fiscal Costs of Different Prevention Policies | 11:30

    According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the number of homeless in the U.S. has been on the rise in recent years after several years of decline. It is at its highest this year. My research estimates and compares the financial costs of different measures that will help identify sustainable homelessness measures the U.S. government can adopt. Past policies and financial conditions will be analyzed to find the measures that will have the greatest effect within budgetary constraints. Through this research, I will propose homelessness measures that have a social impact.

    Faculty Sponsor: Brent Amburgey
    Discipline: ASP

  • 64 SHUNTA TERAMOTO | Different the way of thinking between Japanese and American | 12:15

    I think that it is important to know the differences in the way of thinking between Japanese and other countries’ people. In today’s society, you will increasingly interact with a variety of people. If you understand how different cultures think, you will not have trouble interacting with them. Personally, I want to work with people of different cultural backgrounds in the future, so I too think it is important to understand deeply. In this presentation I am going to research the differences between Japanese and other cultural backgrounds people’s idea.

    Faculty Sponsor: Brent Amburgey
    Discipline: ASP


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