

The LARC program is designed to pair students with a supervising faculty member for 9 weeks of collaborative research work during the summer months. Each student/faculty group will also be a part of a research community comprised of at least one but no more than three other student/faculty groups.

  • Students will receive financial assistance to make full-time dedication to the research experience possible.
  • All faculty participants are eligible to apply for funding to cover costs for supplies, travel, and equipment (up to $1500 per student/faculty group).
  • Faculty who are proposing projects for the summer of 2019 will share their research interests in the Faculty Profiles section in late October.
  • For specific detail about applications, timelines, schedule of payments, etc. please visit the Student Eligibility.

In addition to completing their duties as a member of the research team, students must make an oral presentation at a conference on undergraduate research hosted by Willamette. Students are also encouraged to present their work at regional or national conferences, and all final LARC projects will be accessible electronically through the Hatfield Library.


  • November 8, 2018—Collaborative Research Forum, 11:30-12:430, in Smullin 159. All students and faculty interested in participating in LARC 2019 should attend this event.
  • December 3, 2018—Deadline for students to contact faculty members applying for LARC (updated deadline)
  • February 1, 2019—All Application materials due from research communities (including all faculty members and students participating in them) (updated deadline)
  • Early February 2019—Participants in LARC 2019 announced
  • Spring 2019—Research communities and faculty/student pairings to begin informal, preliminary conversations about summer collaborative work.
  • June 2019—LARC projects begin (for most groups)
  • August 31, 2019—Student abstracts (of finished product) and faculty surveys (describing their experience and individual projects) due
  • September 18, 2019—Student research presentations (project completion) and all reports due
  • September/October 2019—Research presentations

Liberal Arts Research Collaborative

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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