

The pendulum of educational philosophy is again arcing toward placing higher value on learning through experience after a period of time in which computer based, simulated exercises were perceived as “cutting edge.” In my research, I would like to explore the recent pedagogic literature that discusses the methods and merits of experiential education, broadly defined. We would examine several concepts now perceived as “high impact pedagogies,” including: problem-based and project-based learning, the lectureless classroom, place-based learning, action learning, and outdoor education. Additional concepts that surface through our initial readings may also be studied. With a repertoire of pedagogic theories about experiential learning in hand, we will then work on individual projects that will design curricula or experiences that put those theories into practice. For my part, the projects I design will be based on teaching at Zena Farm. Students who work with me may choose whether or not their projects would also be planned for Zena.

Jennifer Johns

Jennifer Johns


Liberal Arts Research Collaborative

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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