

The following materials must be submitted via email to the program director before January 22, 2019, to be considered for LARC 2019:

  1. Identify participant(s) and their departments
  2. Identify the type of curriculum innovation (inquiry-based module, redesigned course, program revision)
  3. A 500-word statement about the proposed curricular innovation, including:
    • the course(s) involved
    • narrative description of the innovation
    • goals of the innovation
    • work plan for the grant period
    • implementation schedule
    • form and schedule for assessment of the innovation in achieving stated goals
  4. A memo from the department chair(s), indicating departmental or program approval for proposed project
  5. A proposed budget for supplies and expenses anticipated in completing the project, itemized
    • NOTE: funds for supplies and expenses are limited and will be granted on a competitive basis. All expenses must be approved by the LARC committee before they occur.
    • STIPENDS: $2,000 available for modules; $4,000 for course revision; $2,000/faculty member for program revision. Faculty members will receive half of the stipend in the upcoming semester; the second half in the next summer, after the project has been assessed and a report has been submitted.


PLEASE NOTE: Progress reports are due at August 31, 2019 for Curricular Innovation Grants, with final reports due May 31, 2020.



Liberal Arts Research Collaborative

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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