

Strategic Planning Phase II:

Learning from One Another and Defining a Shared Vision

November 2021 – February 2022

Learn about the second phase of strategic planning from President Thorsett in the video below!

This stage of the Strategic Planning process will gather faculty, staff, and students from across the University’s four colleges and various departments and programs to learn about one another and help to produce a series of core goals or central themes for the University’s Strategic Plan.

Through facilitated breakout groups and using a , Phase II will engage University community members in reflection about the Phase I contextual information as well as in generative conversations that explore how we might address these themes in ways that cross our traditional college and programmatic boundaries.

Sessions will be available in-person and through online gatherings, and summative documents from breakout sessions will be made available on this website. Check back for additional information about Phase II conversations.

Click here to register for Phase II Sessions!

Dates and locations are as follows: 

PNCA Campus
  • Monday, November 29 at 12:30 pm (Mediatheque) [Strategic Planning Overview and Roll-out Session with Provost Long]
  • Monday, December 6 from 12:30-2:00 p.m. (Mediatheque)
Salem Campus
  • Tuesday, December 7 from 4:00-5:30 pm (Cat Cavern) 
  • Tuesday, December 14 from 5:00-6:30 pm (Cat Cavern)
Zoom Sessions


Strategic Plan

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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