Fall 2022 Degrees By Undergraduate Major

Fall 2022 Degrees By Undergraduate Major | Willamette


2021-2022 Degrees By Undergraduate Major & By Degree Program

Undergraduate Degrees Awarded   Graduates - Headcount
Bachelor of Arts Men Women Total   Bachelor of Fine Arts Men Women Total   Bachelor Degrees Only Men Women Total
Anthropology 0 11 11   Animated Arts 5 7 12 Bachelor of Arts (BA) 112 158 270
Archaeology 1 5 6 Creative Writing 0 1 1 Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) 34 53 87
Art History 0 7 7 General Fine Arts 1 6 7 Bachelor of Music (BM) 0 0 0
Biology 10 20 30 Graphic Design 5 5 10 Bachelor of Science (BS) 22 22 44
Chemistry 0 1 1 Illustration 6 17 23 Joint Bachelor Degrees      
Chinese Studies 0 3 3 Intermedia 3 3 6 BA & BS 3 7 10
Cinema Studies 1 1 2 Painting 4 9 13 Joint Bachelor and Graduate Degrees      
Civic Communication and Media 8 11 19 Photography 4 1 5 BS & MS 0 0 0
Classical Studies 1 3 4 Printmaking 3 1 4 Bachelor's & MBA 0 1 1
Computer Science 1 0 1 Sculpture 3 1 4 Bachelor's & JD 0 0 0
Data Science 2 1 3 Video & Sound 0 2 2 Master Degrees Only      
Economics 30 10 40 Master of Arts (MA) 1 3 4
English 4 13 17 Bachelor of Science Men Women Total Master of Fine Arts (MFA) 13 29 42
Environmental Science 6 11 17 Chemistry 2 6 8 Master of Science (MS) 7 5 12
Exercise and Health Science 4 2 6 Computer Science 6 3 9 Master of Business Administration (MBA) 45 51 96
French and Francophone Studies 1 1 2 Data Science 1 0 1 Master of Legal Studies 3 2 5
German 1 0 1 Environmental Science 3 8 11 Master of Law 1 1 2
Global Cultural Studies 0 1 1 Exercise and Health Science 7 10 17 Doctoral Degrees Only      
History 7 11 18 Physics 6 3 9 Doctor of Jurisprudence (JD) 45 47 92
Humanities 1 0 1 Joint Graduate Degrees      
International Studies 5 3 8 MA & MFA 0 3 3
Japanese Studies 5 2 7 Bachelor Degrees Totals MBA & JD 3 1 4
Latin American Studies 0 1 1 Undergraduate Majors Completed 189 291 480 Total Graduates 289 383 672
Mathematics 3 6 9 Correction for Multiple Majors -15 -43 -58
Music 3 1 4 Total Bachelor Degrees Awarded 174 248 422
Philosophy 2 1 3
Physics 0 2 2 All Degrees Awarded
Politics 0 2 2 Bachelor of Arts 115 166 281
Politics, Policy, Law & Ethics 12 10 22 Bachelor of Fine Arts 34 53 87
Psychology 8 25 33 Bachelor of Science 25 29 54
Public Health 0 8 8 Bachelor of Music 0 0 0
Religious Studies 1 1 2 Master of Arts 1 6 7
Russian Language and Culture 1 0 1 Master of Fine Arts 13 32 45
Russian Studies 0 1 1 Master of Science 7 5 12
Sociology 6 9 15 Master of Business Administration 48 53 101
Spanish 3 9 12 Master of Legal Studies 3 2 5
Studio Art 1 8 9 Master of Law 1 1 2
Theatre 2 2 4 Doctor of Jurisprudence 48 48 96
Women's and Gender Studies 0 5 5 Total Degrees Awarded 295 395 690