Fall 2018 Enrollment by Age

Fall 2018 Enrollment by Age | 杏十八新茶分享


Fall 2018 University Enrollment by Age

  Less than 18 18 To 25 Age Group 26 and Older Unknown Grand Total
      <18 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26-49 50+  
College of Liberal Arts                          
Degree-seeking 11 Freshman 8 287 92 14 2 1 1 1 2     408
  12 Sophomore   18 272 83 10 3 1 2 1     390
  13 Junior     29 274 97 12 3 2 4 1   422
  14 Senior     3 35 276 66 11 3 2 7     403
Degree-seeking Total     8 305 396 406 385 79 18 4 7 14 1   1,623
Non-degree 16 LA Special/Non-degree   1 8 15 8 5 1   4 11 3 56
  17 Cross-Registrant       2 2           4
  18 Gifted Scholar 7               1 8
  19 Tokyo International U of A     53 52 8 3   1       117
Non-degree Total     7 1 61 69 18 8 1   1 4 11 4 185
College of Liberal Arts Total 15 306 457 475 403 87 19 4 8 18 12 4 1,808
College of Law                          
Degree-seeking 21 Law 1st Year       1 2 19 13 13 10 57 4   119
  22 Law 2nd Year         3 11 13 13 59 2   101
  23 Law 3rd Year       1   17 14 40 2   74
  27 Master in Legal Studies           1   2     3
  29 LLM Students           1 4     5
  56 Law 1 PT Year 1         1 1   6     8
  58 Law 2 PT           1   4     5
  59 Law 3 PT             2     2
Degree-seeking Total           1 3 22 25 46 38 174 8   317
Non-degree 26 Law Special/Non-Degree                          
College of Law Total       1 3 22 25 46 38 174 8   317
Joint Degree JD/MBA                          
Degree-seeking 51 JD/MBA 1st Year At Atkinson             1 1   2
  52 JD/MBA 2nd Year At Law         1     1     2
  53 JD/MBA 3rd Year At Both             7     7
  54 JD/MBA 4th Year At Both           1   6     7
  64 BA/MBA 4th Year       1 11 7 2   6     21
  65 BA/MBA 5th Year       1 17 5         23
  66 BA/JD First Year       1           1
Degree-seeking Total           1 13 25 7 1   21 1   63
Joint Degree JD/MBA Total       1 13 25 7 1   21 1   63
Atkinson Graduate School of Management                          
Degree-seeking: Early Career 31 Atkinson 1st Year         4 3 4 3 18     36
  32 Atkinson 2nd Year       1 1 9 4 6 26     28
Degree-seeking: Early Career Subtotal           1 5 12 8 9 44     64
Degree-seeking: Professional 33 Atkinson Pro 1st Year       1   3 3 53 1   62
  34 Atkinson Pro 2nd Year           4 52 2   49
Degree-seeking: Professional Subtotal           1     3 7 105 3   111
Degree-seeking Total             2 5 12 11 16 149 3   175
Non-degree 36 Atkinson-Special/Non-degree         1 1         2
Atkinson Graduate School of Management Total         2 6 13 11 16 149 3   177
UNIVERSITY UNDUPLICATED HEADCOUNT TOTAL 15 306 457 477 421 140 64 62 62 362 24 4 2,365
  Other, Non-Program (Not Included Above)                            
  Less than 18 18 To 25 Age Group 26 and Older Unknown Grand Total
      <18 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26-49 50+  
College of Liberal Arts                          
  91 Non Credit Undergrad                     38 126 164
College of Liberal Arts, Non-Degree Total                     38 126 164
Atkinson Graduate School of Management                          
Non-degree 76 Atkinson Certificate Program                 1 42 19 45 107
Atkinson Graduate School of Management Total                 1 42 19 45 107