Spring 2015 Credits Taken for Willamette MBA

Spring 2015 Credits Taken for MBA | ÐÓÊ®°Ëвè·ÖÏí


Atkinson Graduate School of Management Course Credits, Spring 2015, Listed By Willamette Class Level

  Full-time Full-time Credits Full-time Students Part-time Part-time Credits Part-time Students Total Credits Total Students
  Men Women Men Women
      Credits Students Credits Students Credits Students Credits Students
College of Liberal Arts                            
Degree-seeking 11 Freshman                            
  12 Sophomore                            
  13 Junior                            
  14 Senior                            
Degree-seeking Total                                
Non-degree 16 LA Special/Non-degree                            
  17 Cross-Registrant                            
  18 Gifted Scholar                            
  19 Tokyo International U of A                            
Non-degree Total                                
College of Liberal Arts Total                            
College of Law                            
Degree-seeking 21 Law 1st Year                            
  22 Law 2nd Year                            
  23 Law 3rd Year 18.0 6 6.0 2 24.0 8             24.0 8
  29 LLM Students                            
  56 Law 1 PT Year 1                            
  57 Law 1 PT Year 2                            
  58 Law 2 PT                            
Degree-seeking Total     18.0 6 6.0 2 24.0 8             24.0 8
Non-degree 26 Law Special/Non-Degree                            
Non-degree Total                                
College of Law Total 18.0 6 6.0 2 24.0 8             24.0 8
Joint Degree JD/MBA                            
Degree-seeking 51 JD/MBA 1st Year At Atkinson 121.0 9 95.0 7 216.0 16             216.0 16
  53 JD/MBA 3rd Year At Both 9.0 3 6.0 1 15.0 4     3.0 1 3.0 1 18.0 5
  54 JD/MBA 4th Year At Both 16.0 2     16.0 2             16.0 2
  37 MLS/MBA Joint Degree     18.0 2 18.0 2             18.0 2
  64 BA/MBA 4th Year 173.0 13 84.0 6 257.0 19             257.0 19
  65 BA/MBA 5th Year 103.0 7 42.0 3 145.0 10             145.0 10
  66 BA/JD First Year 24.0 4     24.0 4             24.0 4
Degree-seeking Total     72.0 8 15.0 1 87.0 9             87.0 9
Joint Degree JD/MBA Total 422.0 34 245.0 19 667.0 53     3.0 1 3.0 1 670.0 54
Atkinson Graduate School of Management                            
Degree-seeking: Early Career 31 Atkinson 1st Year 537.0 36 436.0 29 973.0 65 6.0 1     6.0 1 979.0 66
  32 Atkinson 2nd Year 507.0 37 388.0 29 895.0 66     6.0 1 6.0 1 901.0 67
Degree-seeking: Early Career Total 1,044.0 73 824.0 58 1,868.0 131 6.0 1 6.0 1 12.0 2 1,880.0 133
Degree-seeking: Professional 33 Atkinson Pro 1st Year 217.0 27 203.0 25 420.0 52 28.0 7 24.0 6 52.0 13 472.0 65
  34 Atkinson Pro 2nd Year 129.0 16 40.0 5 169.0 21 11.0 2 18.0 4 29.0 6 198.0 27
Degree-seeking: Professional Total 346.0 43 243.0 30 589.0 73 39.0 9 42.0 10 81.0 19 670.0 92
Non-degree 36 Atkinson-Special/Non-degree                            
Non-degree Total                                
Atkinson Graduate School of Management Total 1,390.0 116 1,067.0 88 2,457.0 204 45.0 10 48.0 11 93.0 21 2,550.0 225
School of Education                            
Degree-seeking 41 MAT Student                            
  44 MAT Aspire 2nd Year                            
  48 Masters in Education 1st Year                            
  49 Masters in Education 2st Year                            
  62 GSE Online Year 2                            
Degree-seeking Total                                
Non-degree 46 Non-Degree/ED Workshops                            
Non-degree Total                                
School of Education Total                            
UNIVERSITY UNDUPLICATED HEADCOUNT TOTAL 1,830.0 156 1,318.0 109 3,148.0 265 45.0 10 51.0 12 96.0 22 3,244.0 287
  Other, Non-Program (Not Included Above)                              
Full-time Full-time Credits Full-time Students Part-time Part-time Credits Part-time Students Total Credits Total Students
Men Women Men Women
      Credits Students Credits Students Credits Students Credits Students
Atkinson Graduate School of Management                            
  76 Atkinson Certificate Program             19.0 5 17.0 5 36.0 10 36.0 10
Atkinson Graduate School of Management Total             19.0 5 17.0 5 36.0 10 36.0 10